The Technology Department of the Moreland School District facilitates effective teaching and learning by providing a comprehensive technology infrastructure. With this comes easy access to instructional tools and content from anywhere and any device.
We support common core-based instruction and professional development by integrating technology in the classroom. Our educational technology promotes student engagement and collaborative student learning. The technology platforms we support enhance communication skills and the development of knowledge readying each student with 21st Century Learning Skills.
Services we provide:
Google Workspace for Education administration
3rd Party Systems Integration
Voice, Data and Wireless Network
Network Security
Installation and Maintenance
Copy Machines/Fax Machines
Audio and Video Equipment
Internet and Intranet Support
Hardware and Software Support
Student Information System and CALPADS Reporting
Classroom Technology:
HP Chromebooks are portable devices that give students access to websites and apps
Aver Media document cameras magnify and project the images of three-dimensional objects and transparencies
Hitachi LCD Projectors display video and images on classroom white boards
HP Laptops are portable personal computers that teachers use
HP LaserJet Printer
Districtwide Secure Wireless Network connects devices such as laptops and Chromebooks to the internet and District resources
Moreland School District is a Google Workspace for Education District
Google Workspace for Education is a web-based application used for creating and editing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Students can store documents online and access them from any device. Google Apps for Education provides powerful tools that can transform teaching and learning.
Students and teachers will collaborate through shared documents.
Documents will not include a student’s personal info (e.g. phone number, address, etc.).
Students will be identified by their assigned alphanumeric username.
No pictures in which the student can be identified will be allowed.
Google Calendar – Web-based time-management application that is part of Google Apps.
Students will be using Google to view dates for field trips, assignment due dates, meetings, etc.
Students will use Google Calendar to track tasks, scheduled appointments, create reminders, etc. to assist them in managing their time.
Google Calendar allows students to see their teacher's availability.
Google Workspace for Education 101
An introduction to student use of Google Workspace for Education