Community Resources for Immigration
The following resources, which the Moreland School District has compiled to assist our families and schools, are not meant to be exhaustive, nor is their inclusion an endorsement of a particular political viewpoint.
What Do I Need To Know About The End of DACA (link)?: The Immigrant Legal Resource Center developed this flier about things to keep in mind now that the program is "winding down", including information about work permits, Social Security Numbers, Driver's Licenses and other identification cards, travel on advance parole, other immigration options, criminal issues, and information about knowing your rights.
Santa Clara County Office of Education Resource Page (link):
The Santa Clara County Office of Education created this webpage to share information prepared by non-profit organizations that provide assistance to attorneys and community-based advocates that work with immigrants around the country.
These organizations are funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), named the DACA Contract Referral List: