Moreland School District

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Bond Oversight





Proposition 39 Bond Election         

On November 2, 2010, voters residing within the Moreland Elementary School District passed Measure K.  Measure K is a $55 million bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects to the District’s schools. Proposition 39 required a 55% supermajority for approval; Measure K was passed by 67.96%.


Establishment of a Citizens’ Oversight Committee

After a bond authorized under Proposition 39 is passed, state law requires that the Moreland Elementary School District Board of Trustees appoint a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to work with the District.


Committee Responsibilities

In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall:

Inform the public concerning the District's expenditure of Measure K bond proceeds:

Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that Measure K bond
proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure K; and
Present to the Board of Trustees in public session, an annual written report outlining
their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure K bond proceeds.



Moreland Elementary School District

4711 Campbell Avenue,
San Jose, California 95130-1700

Telephone: (408) 874-2923   FAX: (408) 374-8827