Moreland School District

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Health Services » Medications


Per California Education Code (EC) 49423, any student who is required to take medication during school hours may be assisted by school personnel if the school receives a "Permit toTake Medication in School Form" completed by a California licensed health care provider and the student's parent or guardian. Please schedule medication outside of school hours, if possible.

A student may be allowed to carry and self-administer prescription emergency medications (i.e.

Inhaler/Epipen) if the school receives a "Permit to Take Medication in School Form" and "Permit to Carry Emergency medication (Inhaler/Epipen)" completed by a California licensed health care provider and the student's parent or guardian.

No medication, including over-the-counter drugs, cough drops, vitamins, or herbal remedies, will be stored or dispensed at school without a "Permit to Take Medication in School Form" completed by a California licensed health care provider and the student's parent or guardian.

All "Permit to Take Medication in School Forms" must be renewed at the beginning of the school year and updated any time the medication, dosage, frequency of administration, or reason for administration changes. Please have the doctor complete a separate "Permit to Take Medication in School Form" for each medication (i.e. one form for Epipen and one form for Benadryl).

Medication must be supplied by the parent in the original prescription/pharmacy container, clearly labeled with student's name, medication, dosage, and directions, or original sealed over-the-counter container.