Moreland School District is committed to developing a strong foundation for our students to be college and career ready. Every 8 years we adopt a new curriculum in each core academic area. We use a standardized process to adopt a new curriculum to ensure stakeholder feedback. The adoption process is led by a teacher leader committee that represents all of our schools and student populations. Parents have an opportunity to review the curriculum choices and provide feedback to the committee. The committee is responsible for reviewing input from teachers, piloting programs, evaluating programs against the criteria set by stakeholder feedback, and making a recommendation to the school board, who will make the final decision.
During the 2020-21 school year, we held our middle school social studies adoption process. Our teacher leader committee unanimously voted for Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI): History Alive! Members of the committee shared that they selected TCI because of the depth of the content, equitable presentation of history, student discourse to promote understanding, and their six teaching strategies. The school board approved the adoption on May 25, 2021.
Board Adopted Curriculum
Please click on the links to learn more about each program.
Moreland School District
Middle School Mathematics Course Pathways 2021-22
The following math courses are aligned with the Campbell High School District so there is a clear pathway from 8th grade to high school.
Middle School Accelerated Pathway
Starting in the 7th grade, Math 7 Compacted (C) and Math 8 Compacted (C) /Integrated Math 1 are offered as a two-year blocked course. Students at the end of their 6th grade year are selected for the accelerated pathway using multiple assessment measures. Math 7C and Math 8C/IM 1 allows a student to complete the first year of high school math by the end of 8th grade.