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Moreland Receives Four New School Buses Through Regional Grant

August 14, 2019, San Jose, Ca:  The Moreland School District is proud to announce that three brand new buses have been added to Moreland’s transportation fleet, with one more on the way.  Through a Bay Area Quality District grant written by Maintenance and Operations Manager, Jared Amaral, Moreland received a Saf-T-Liner HDX, two Saf-T-Liner C2’s, and one Minotour bus that will replace Moreland’s current Special Needs bus.  

All new buses are air-conditioned and come with exterior cameras, as well as seat belts and booster seats for students who require such safety measures.  The Saf-T-Liner HDX bus seats 84 passengers, the two Saf-T-Liner C2’s each seat 72 passengers, and the Minotour Bus include a wheelchair lift.  

“We are thrilled to start our school year with these low-emission buses for our students,” said Superintendent Mary Kay Going, Ed.D.  “We appreciate the grant from the Bay Area Air Quality District to help us continue to keep students safe to and from school.”

The Bay Area Air Quality District grant was awarded through the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program), providing grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment and other sources of air pollution.  The Moreland School District received over $500,000 in grant funding to purchase these low-emission buses.

Moreland transports over XX students on school buses each school year with before school and after school transportation, field trips, music, and after-school sports.  To purchase a bus pass or learn more about Moreland’s Transportation Department, visit
